
Why it's Time to Drop the 'www' Prefix: Simplifying Your Website's Address and Improving SEO

Reading Time: 3 min

When you type a website address into your web browser, chances are you include the "www" at the beginning of the URL. But have you ever stopped to think about why we use "www" in the first place? In this blog post, we'll explore the history of the "www" prefix and why you might want to consider dropping it from your website's address.

What is the "www" prefix?

The "www" prefix stands for "world wide web," which is a term that was coined in the early days of the internet to refer to the collection of interconnected websites and web pages that make up the internet as we know it today. When you type "www" at the beginning of a website address, you're essentially telling your web browser to look for the website on the world wide web.

Why should you consider dropping the "www"?

1. It's redundant

In most cases, including "www" in a website address is redundant. Most web browsers will automatically add the prefix to a URL if it's not included, and most websites are configured to work whether you include "www" or not. Dropping the prefix can help simplify your website's address and make it easier to remember.

2. It can make your website look outdated

While the "www" prefix used to be a standard part of website addresses, it's becoming less common in modern web design. Many companies are now opting to drop the prefix altogether, which can help give their website a more modern and streamlined look. If you want your website to look up-to-date and on-trend, dropping the "www" prefix could be a good way to achieve that.

3. It can improve your website's SEO

While dropping the "www" prefix won't necessarily have a huge impact on your website's search engine rankings, it can help to make your website's address more SEO-friendly. Search engines like Google tend to prefer shorter, more concise URLs, and dropping the "www" prefix can help to achieve that. It's worth noting that if you do decide to drop the prefix, you should make sure that any links to your website are updated accordingly so that they continue to work correctly.

4. It can save you time and effort

If you're constantly having to type "www" at the beginning of your website's address, it can quickly become tedious and time-consuming. By dropping the prefix, you can save yourself a few keystrokes and make your life just a little bit easier.

In conclusion, while including the "www" prefix in your website's address may have once been standard practice, it's becoming increasingly unnecessary in modern web design. By dropping the prefix, you can simplify your website's address, improve its SEO, and give it a more modern and streamlined look. So if you're looking for a simple way to improve your website's user experience, it might be time to lose the "www" and embrace the future of web design.

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